About Us

Who We Are

We are a group of people with varying degrees of hearing loss experience who believe that HLAA has much to offer.  The chance to meet and talk with others who share similar experiences about their hearing loss is a true highlight as it counteracts the sense of isolation and being “the only one.”

Other benefits are the chance to learn about hearing loss, ways to improve understanding and communication, learn about assistive devices, and a host of other topics.

HLAA Madison Chapter 

We are a non-profit organization and one of several chapters in Wisconsin and throughout the country.  There is a Wisconsin State Association that supports the local chapters.  The State Association has its website at: www.hlaawi.org.  

HLAA Madison Chapter meets every other month at different locations in Madison and its surrounding area within Dane County.   CART services (captions) and hearing loops are provided for every meeting so everyone can follow what is said at the meetings.

Book Club is a new feature and will begin in March.  The group is limited in size and requires registration.  See the section, “What’s New” on this website for further information.

Board of Directors

During the COVID pandemic, the Madison chapter had difficulty surviving, particularly since it was not possible to have in-person meetings.  In the fall of 2023, a small group of members got together with the purpose of reviving the chapter and making it more accessible.  Currently, the Board consists of four members:  Kathy Johnson, Katherine Rybak, Jerry Lapidakis, Chris Cook, and Jack Spear.  We are looking to expand our board and would welcome inquiries.


There are no membership fees to join the Madison HLAA Chapter.  Donations, however, are always welcome as they help to defray expenses.  At the meetings, you are encouraged to sign in and leave your email address to receive notices of future meetings

Membership in the national organization will have a new structure and is based on donations.  A donation of any amount each year will result in membership.  Those who donate $45 or more will receive the monthly magazine, Hearing Life in print form. An online digital copy of the magazine will be free simply by subscribing. To join or simply access the excellent information available about a wide range of topics related to hearing loss, see the HLAA National website at www.hearingloss.org

Get Involved

New members are welcome!  Just come to a meeting and join in!  Consider becoming more involved by assisting with committee work or joining the Board.  If you wish to contact us, you may contact us at information@hlaamadison.org