Welcome to HLAA Madison

This website is for all who are interested in matters relating to hearing loss.  This website includes a listing of events, including chapter meetings as well as an extensive resource section about services, apps and more.

HLAA Madison meetings are held every other month in different locations in Madison and the area surrounding Madison in Dane County. The meetings are open to everyone, including family members and friends.  All meetings are looped with a hearing loop for the benefit of those with telecoils in their hearing aids or cochlear implants.  CART services (real-time captioning) is provided so that every word spoken, can also be read in real-time. 

We encourage you to explore this website for what it has to offer.  Please feel free to make suggestions for items that can be included.  Also, feel free to join us, serve on the board, volunteer to help at meetings or just simply attend the meetings.